Concert Music
Consistencies Between
Trio & Electronics (2021)
Commissioned by Apply Triangle
Program Note:
Consistencies Between is my first experiment in creating a “generative” work for a live ensemble. Generative music is music created by a system that can be infinitely produced. Each performance of this system bares a familiar aesthetic and characteristics, but it will never be executed identically. In the electronic medium, this system is generally created by giving every musical property a series of probabilities, which then trigger every musical action.
I have been greatly interested in applying this system of music making to live ensesmble performance in order to construct compositions of indefinite length without relying on direct repetiiton. The title refers to the fact that despite each performance being unique, there will be fundamental consistencies between them.
Musically, this piece juxtaposes a cold, dark, and sometimes sinister electronic bed of sine tones against a lively, free, and ever changing acoustic ensemble. The ensemble’s relationship to the electronic soundscape ebbs and flows both through musical changes and through probability- based signal processing. Though not my intention while writing, this juxtapositon and shifiting relationship reminds me of the constant conflict between the mind wanting to GO-GO-GO and the body’s constant demand for rest.
Scored for 1 treble wind, 1 bass wind, and 1 keyboard. Can be adapted for other instrumentations upon request.
Electronics: available in Max/MSP or Ableton Live (Ableton Push optional)
Duration: ∞ / variable
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